Quick Facts about LEVO

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✓ Woman-Owned
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levooil.com↗ Use code HEMPSLEY10 for 10% off
Based In:  Product Available in:

USA, Canada

Established in:
First LEVO Sold in: 
Contact: support@LEVOoil.com

About: LEVO's Oil Infusion Machine makes infusing any herb — cannabis included — as easy as making coffee. Can be used for infusing oil, honey, and more! Visit LEVO here↗ 

Hempsley's Relationship with LEVO

Hempsley Founder, Kristen, met LEVO team member Olivia Harris at a Mason Jar Event in Colorado in May 2017. They sat next to each other during the cannabis pairing dinner and realized Hempsley and LEVO had a shared passion for sharing herb education and DIY recipes. It was a natural alignment, and Hempsley had the pleasure of trying out version 1 of their oil infusion machine. LEVO was a sponsor at our 2018 Heart of Health Exchange and has collaborated in other social giveaways to promote education. 

Kristen loved the LEVO I, and now has a LEVO II which she loves even more! It has the ability to dry and even activate (AKA decarboxylate) and Kristen regularly makes her own lip balm, body butter, and infused oils for cooking in the mess-free machine. 

Affiliate Disclaimer: We are an affiliate partner with LEVO. This means that if you purchase something through a link with this symbol , Hempsley will receive a commission at no extra cost to you. If you choose to shop through our links, we are grateful for your support. Thanks for helping us share free, quality education!

Meet LEVO 

LEVO was conceptualized by Chrissy when she experienced frustrations with infusing butter in the kitchen. A DIY-er herself, she knew there had to be an easier way to create these things — and she wanted to be in control over what ingredients she used and how she prepared them so that she could know exactly what she was putting into and onto her body.

People don't always realize how many extra, unnecessary chemicals and ingredients are put into the products they use every single day; LEVO believes in empowering consumers by giving them the tools they need to be self sufficient, and they even supply the resources (like the infusion calculator) you need to be successful at making your own natural, chemical-free products.

Chrissy bootstrapped the engineering and development of LEVO for nearly 5 years during moonlight hours, after full days behind a desk at Fortune 500 companies. In Fall 2016, she took the leap, assembled a team, and introduced LEVO to the world through our own pre-order campaign. Today, LEVO’s close-knit team has a home base in Denver, Colorado and can be found in over 800 retail locations.

LEVO Oil infusion machine founders

Tags: Tools